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Meet our Neople: World's most helpful and intelligent co-workers for your customer support team. Our Neople are designed to work harmoniously with your team, just as any great colleague would.


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About Neople

As a generative AI startup Neople functions as a staffing agency for digital co-workers. Artificial intelligence will fundamentally change how we work in the coming years. Neople's mission is to make AI technologies accessible through simple conversations. To achieve this, Neople creates the world's most helpful and intelligent colleagues within your company. These Neople are designed to collaborate seamlessly with your team, just like any great colleague would. Learn more at

Neople and Trengo

With the help of a Neople in Trengo, your customer support team can handle those incoming tickets with lightning speed. They help answering all incoming questions, trained in your tone of voice. Trained on your company information, active in your contact center Trengo.


How does a Neople work?

First, we look at what kind of information we want to train a Neople. This can be your product information, your website, FAQs, but also connect it to your existing systems. The second thing a Neople need is a workspace -because otherwise they can't show up to work! This is as easy as one-click activation in Teams or Slack, or making an account in your favourite contact center Trengo. From day one your Neople appears in your workplace tools!

Is it similar to ChatGPT or a chatbot?

Not really, but we understand the similarity! It is somewhat identical to ChatGPT, but it has some fundamental differences. Firstly, we can make it relevant for a company by training on company-specific documents and data, or connecting your internal tools and platforms. Secondly, we make it accessible through your communications channels you are already using, like Whatsapp, Teams, or within your contact center Trengo. Thirdly, we make sure it's moderated so you can always check the answers and see what reference document has been used.

How does my team work together with a Neople?

If your team knows how to work with a regular colleague, they know how to work with a Neople. We don't believe in introducing more tools or platforms - it's all about being where your employees already are such as Trengo. So they work like a normal colleague, helping your team with incoming questions and tasks.